Service Meetings

CSO Council Meetings

Quarterly Council meetings are on the 3rd Sunday every 3 months at 2:00 pm.

Next Council Meeting is on Sunday, February 16th, 2025 at 2:00 pm.

Call CSO for Zoom ID & password

Address is Room 214-215, 38 Gawler Place, Adelaide 5000

Please note: meeting dates, times and venues are subject to change and will be listed in the Newsletter one month prior.

CSO Committee Meetings

Monthly meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of month at 7:00 pm.

Next meeting is December 10th at 7:00 pm.

Future meetings: February 11th.

There is no meeting held in January.

Meeting is on Zoom. Call CSO for Zoom ID & password.

Area A

Monthly meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of month at 7:00 pm.

Next meeting December 17th 2024. 

Meeting is on Zoom. Contact CSO for info.

Area B

Monthly meetings held on the 1st Saturday of month at 9:00am to 10:30am.

Next meeting December 7th 2024.

Face to Face only at St Savior's Anglican Church, 596 Portrush Rd, Glen Osmond, SA.

Para District Meetings

Monthly meetings held on the 1st Monday of month at 7:00 pm

Next meeting January 6th, 2025.

Meeting is on zoom. Contact CSO for info.

City & Eastern District Meetings

Monthly meetings held on the 2nd Monday of month at 8:00 pm.

Face to Face only at the St. Saviors Anglican Church, 596 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond.

Next meeting December 9th, 2024. 

Meeting is open to all GSRs, Secretaries, or interested members in the CAED!

Southern and Fleurieu District Meetings

Monthly meetings held on the 4th Friday of month at 6:00pm.

Meeting is held before the Brighton Beginners Meeting at the same venue. Brighton Uniting Church Hall, 443 Brighton Road, Brighton.

Next meeting is 27th December 2024. Meeting is open to all GSR’s or interested members in that district.

Riverland District Meetings 

Monthly meetings held on the 1st Sunday of month after the Kingston-on-Murray meeting.

Kingston Institute Hall, 461 Holmes Rd, Kingston on Murray.

Lower Southeast District Meetings

Meetings are held every two months.

Venue is St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Hall, 31 Arthur St. in Penola. Next meeting TBA.


~ Meeting dates, times, & venues are subject to change ~

For available service committee positions, visit the Positions Vacant page.